Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I've been feeling extremely nostalgic lately. I find myself saying, "remember when..." in almost every conversation. I don't think it's an age thing, because I'm not that old. I think maybe I'm just kind of in a rut right now, so I'm calling up easier, more carefree times. I had a great childhood. Sure, there were shitty things that happened, but nothing out of the ordinary. I don't know if the 70's and 80's were really safer, or if I was just made to feel that way by my small community and close family, but I really miss that feeling. I wish my kids could have the freedom that comes with that safety. It is hard to explain to them that times are just different now.

This is a post I started about a week ago, and have not added anything yet, so, I'm just going to go ahead and post it as is, and call it good. I'll be back later with something fresh.


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Today, I feel like complaining about some things that bug me... the worst thing is bad spelling. Nothing drives me nuts like that. Especially when it is on a sign or even worse is when it is in a letter from a teacher. When one of my kids comes home with a note from a teacher, and there is a misspelling on it, I circle the word in red and send it back. I know I'm a bitch, but I think that is completely unacceptable. When Running Monkey and I were planning our wedding, I received a packet from a photographer, and there were SOOOOO many errors. This was a professionally produced information packet!! I sent it back with a letter telling them why I could never do business with someone who sends out such a poor representation of themselves and their company. Again, I'm a bitch, but, c'mon!! There are restaurants that I refuse to visit because they have misspellings on their signs too. I have no clue why this bothers me so much, but I am an excellent speller, always have been, and I just don't get why, in this day and age,why ANYONE should misspell anything. You know? I guess that'll be the only thing I'm complaining about today, because it's time to make dinner. I'll be back!


Friday, January 19, 2007

I guess I should start with a little about me...I guess the biggest thing about me is that I'm a talker. I love to talk. I pretty much talk non stop, all the time. I talk to strangers, I talk to friends, family, pets, myself, just about anyone who will listen, and sometimes even if nobody is listening, I'm talking. I've been called every talker name in the book: Chatty Cathy, chatterbox, loquacious, gabby, talky, yacky, motormouth, etc... None of these names bother me, because it is SOOOOO true. I usually don't have much to say, but I can talk about it for hours!! I don't know if it could be an "only child" thing, or if I'm just missing the "off" button that everyone else seems to have. I also tend to jump from subject to subject when I'm blathering on. I probably write the same way, so expect lots of topic switches in my blog.

I am currently a very happily married stay at home step-mom of 2 girls, 11 (for another week), and 13. When writing about them, I will refer to them as Thing 1 and Thing 2. I asked my husband what he wanted his blog name to be, and he said "John Travolta", not John ever, just "John Travolta". What a weirdo. He had some other suggestions, but I don't know if my kids might read this, so I better not put those here. I think I will refer to him as....running monkey. We have been married for 9 1/2 years, it'll be 10 in September. We've been through a bunch of crap, and still go through a lot, but we are committed and strong together, we deal with it. The girls moved in with us about 5 years ago, and we would like to have another one, but are dealing with some fertility issues. We're not giving up though, just deciding what to do now. Hmm...I guess we'll just talk about it some more...

I am Northern Michigan born and raised, and can't think of a more wonderful place to live. We've got a little bit of everything here. I don't think I could ever move to a place without 4 distinct seasons. We love to camp, and Michigan has some beautiful campgrounds, though we've only visited a handful of them. We're still young, so I'm sure that'll change. We just got our first travel trailer last summer, and it made us love camping even more. We're buried under snow right now, so I have camping on my mind a lot...a girl has to have something to look forward to, right?

I guess that's enough about me for now. I'll be back.
